How to Choose the Correct Size of Tattoo Needle
Getting the correct tattoo needle size is a critical part of the process and somewhat confusing for someone just starting who is not familiar with each type of needle and why and how to use them. Not an easy task, given the variability between tattoo machine suppliers and the lack of standardized sizing across the industry. Taking the mystery out of choosing a tattoo needle will make the entire process easier and less stressful. Choose Tattoo Needle Taper: The length of the needlepoint is the taper, and there is a wide range of varieties between manufacturers here. You will find tapers from 1.5 to 7 millimetres. Why is narrowing important? The shorter the taper length, the more ink flows on the skin at one time. A higher taper measurement means the ink flows more slowly on the skin. That makes those higher tapers ideal for black and grey since you have more time to work with the skin before the colour fills in completely. For the most part, the choice of taper size is a poin...